Normally I wouldn't blindly cut and paste an ENTIRE press release verbatim but good god damn this is huge news in my little world and I haven't seen nearly enough other media pick up on the news just yet. I only wish they were coming nearer to my neck of the woods- maybe I will take a roadtrip to Lawrence, KS? What will they really sound like- who knows. Alan's Black Eyed Snakes project might be a slight hint. And these mp3s might be a hint to it as well. The first is Red House Painters' cover of the KISS classic 'Shock Me' from the 1994
4AD EP of the same name. Following that are two of Mark Kozelek tunes that he made famous on his
'What's Next to the Moon' AC/DC cover album. These are live versions from the
White Christmas Live cd that SubPop put out.
(August 4, 2005) - Alan Sparhawk (Low, Black Eyed Snakes) and Mark Kozelek (Sun Kil Moon, Red House Painters) join forces for a Fall 2005 tour. Longtime friends and musical compatriots, Sparhawk and Kozelek will be part of the ever-in flux The Retribution Gospel Choir, featuring Duluth residents Eric Pollard on drums and Matthew Livingstone on bass.
Breaking from their respective "traditions," The Retribution Gospel Choir ups the sonic ante with Steve Vai v. Ralph Macchio influenced guitar solos (what this really means is to expect covers that span from the Rolling Stones and Neil Young to Pink Floyd, Pere Ubu and Flock of Seagulls) along with interpretations of Sparhawk and Kozelek's own catalog.
Sparhawk and Kozelek have long been friends and entertained the idea of working together. "Mark and I have known each other for a while and we both have a secret love for classic guitar rock and a penchant for playing guitar solos," Sparhawk says. "I've always come away from any collaboration excited and invigorated. When Low worked with the Dirty Three, it was one of the most fulfilling things we had ever done. And really, musicians used to do this kind of thing all the time -- it was a way to inspire each other. I think it's something that still needs to be in music now and that you don't have to make a record to back up and validate the music that you are playing. I mean, Chaka Khan and Gladys Knight are touring together right now -- isn't that the same thing?"THE RETRIBUTION GOSPEL CHOIR TOUR
Tue. August 30 Lawrence, KS - Gaslight Tavern
Wed. August 31 Denver, CO - Larimer Lounge
Thu. September 1 Salt Lake City, UT - Kilby Court
Sat. September 3 Seattle, WA - Crocodile Cafe
Sun. September 4 Portland, OR - Berbatis Pan
Tue. September 6 San Francisco, CA - Bottom of the Hill
Wed. September 7 Los Angeles, CA - Spaceland
Thu. September 8 Costa Mesa, CA - Detroit
Fri. September 9 Tempe, AZ - Stink Weeds
Sat. September 10 Tucson, AZ - Plush
Mon. September 12 Denton, TX - Haileys
Tue. September 13 Austin, TX - Emo's
Wed. September 14 Houston, TX - Mary Janes Fat Cat
Red House Painters - Shock Me (electric version)Mark Kozelek - Rock 'n' Roll Singer (live)Mark Kozelek - What's Next To The Moon (live)